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Day 365


Updated: Feb 11, 2021


I sat with my hands poised over the key board wondering where to begin. How could I be with and express this 365 day journey of a life-time? I immediately began envisioning. I’d begin by finding a font that makes me happy! No more Verdana, Times Roman or Calibri. No more living within the lines, Id color all over the place. I wouldn’t try to have everything make sense or organize it in the best possible way. I would be lighter in a lot of ways and looser, not so tightly wound. Some issues would be heavier than ever before, weightier and more timely. But they would be very pared down and honed in on. As they say no more sweating the small stuff. Id be contemplating daily the things that matter the most. Pretty much my sole/soul focus would be on what I believe to be the sum and substance of why I am here and what I need to learn.

I feel such a joy bubble up within while writing this, at the thought of doing this experiment for the next year. I can sense the transformation, one that only this particular endeavor can bring me.

I already feel empowered and emboldened. I really don’t care what others think about it or me. I understand like never before the expression “it’s none of my business”. I no longer have the time or energy. Do I want to waste a single precious moment of my remaining 525,600 minutes? And if I got that math wrong, I don’t care! I’m not going to double check myself. I’m laughing thinking about it. OMG! Who is this person? I love her and am so thrilled to get to know her better.

Hmm that’s very strange. My intention was to have this be a very personal and private exploration. But after reading the previous paragraph, I hear that’s not what my soul has in mind. But nice try Gail! I must truly experience those words. It’s easy to say those things when no one’s actually reading it! So we’ll see.

I want to put my money where my mouth is! I want that experience in full bloom.

And of course, if my experience turns out to be of benefit to someone else, that would be the icing on the cake. I would be thrilled and very grateful. But if it’s just found to be off-putting, bizarre or weird… that’s Ok too.

Some of the things I was more aware of today:

· What the wood of my desk feels like as I run my hand across it, how soft and cool.

· What water feels like as it floats in my mouth and the whole mechanism of swallowing- wow!

· The sensations of my body and how interesting they are. Even the ones that are painful or annoying take on a different light when held within the context of never being experienced again as of Feb 1, 2022,

· This is the way I want to spend the days that make up my life.

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